Bolivia 4Llamas #1

  • Обжарщик: 19 grams
  • Обжарка: -
  • Вес: 50g
  • Дата обжарки: -
  • Дата приобретения: June 15, 2023
  • Комментарий обжарщика: Tangerine — Green Apple — Jasmine. Andrés & Mariá are obsessed with optimizing the processing methods, they attach great importance to the highest quality of the beans. What is special about this solder is the unique processing method. After harvesting, the coffee cherries are placed in special fermentation tanks. The tanks are then deoxygenated and filled with nitrogen. Only the lactic acid bacteria, which ensure a harmonious, balanced taste, survive. The beans are then depulped and dried with the mucilage. The remaining mucilage increases the sugar content in the bean and intensifies the flavors and sweetness in the cup.
Время Метод Оценка
2023-12-01 09:03 Hario V60 пластик 7/10 ☆
2023-07-04 16:34 Hario V60 пластик 5/10